Weight loss is one of your biggest challenge? Read here the Naturopathy measures to lose weight .
#Naturopathy is a natural #science of healing. It suggests that the human body is unique and in the best of its capacity can heal majority of the diseases naturally. Modern lifestyle has exposed our #body to various toxins and has contributed to the accumulation of unwanted material within our body. Once of such unwanted material is fat, leading to obesity or overweight. However, naturopathy diet can surely help reduce and re-state our body to its natural form.

The very first principle of Naturopathy diet is Fletcherism i.e. the mechanism to correct chewing, allowing body to enjoy the flavor, #diet plan as per body need, and quality of #food consumed during mood swings. The principle is based on ancient practices being followed for years and can be traced back to the Vedic days.

But to the modern world, it became known only in 1989, when Horace Fletcher used to get infected by flu periodically. He also complained about indigestion and observed that he was over-eating. At that time Horace was over-weight by over 50 pounds. Based on his findings, he made the following rules for weight loss and called them Flectcherism (remember these principles of diet management originated earlier than your imagination can go):
The Correct Natural principle of Weight Loss are
Follow the principle of Chewing for Weight Loss

Food must be chewed properly till the time it becomes a pulp or in a semi liquid form. Once in this form, it will get swallowed automatically. Chewing the food properly helps in digestion, assimilation and absorption of #food.
Eat only when you are Hungry for effective weight loss management

We are enticed towards aroma, color and taste of the food. It propels us to consume such food, but, without giving it a thought that, if you are hungry and does your body really need that food. The answer is no! So limit the food you eat to your body’s requirement.
Enjoying your Food can contribute in weight loss as well
It’s a science that you cannot understand, but your body does. For your body to develop acceptance of the food you intake it becomes necessary for you to enjoy the food. Your body gets a hint about food when you start enjoying it. The more you enjoy the better the hint. This process helps in proper digestion.
Don’t surrender to mood swings, it can increase your weight
We tend to eat more, not eat or eat that is not required ultimately leading to intake of food that the body does not demand but our mood does. We overeat when we are under stress; feel unhappy or alone, under discontent with family or other relations and even when we are Happy. I know it does support you emotionally, but leads to consumption of food not demanded by your body. So, don’t surrender to your mood swings.