Nov 1, 20191 min

Pickles of India | Dideer Pickle | Instant Indian Pickle Preparation | Mango Pickle Preparation

Pickles of India | Dideer Pickle | Instant Indian Pickle Preparation | Mango Pickle Preparation

Pickles of India | Dideer Pickle | Instant Indian Pickle Preparation | Mango Pickle Preparation

Ingredients for instant Indian Mango Pickle Preparation

  • Mangoes - 4 (medium-sized)

  • Chili powder - 2 tablespoon

  • Salt powder - 1 1/2 to 2 spoon

  • Mustard - 1 tsp

  • Turmeric powder - 1 tsp

  • Asafoetida powder - 1/2 tsp

  • Jingelly oil - 4 to 5 tsp

Method to instantly prepare Indian Mango Pickle | How to instantly prepare Mango Pickle?

Cut the mangoes into small bits. Heat oil in a stainless steel vessel (wide-mouthed). Add mustard seed. After they pop up, remove from flame, add, all the powder ingredients along with salt and mix well.

Cook on slow fire till they become a little soft. The pickle is ready to bottle and use.

Pickles of India | Dideer Pickle | Instant Indian Pickle Preparation | Mango Pickle Preparation
